About The Times Record English online newspaper : The Times Record newspaper is English language newspaper in USA. It displays news on sports , world wide news, current affairs, technology relaed news, breaking news , news gallery, market analysis news, Life style news, news on health, career news, industrial related news, general news, news on celebrities, diet & fitness news, Travel news, special news.
Geolocation: USA Arkansas
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Name | The Times Record epaper |
Country | USA Arkansas |
Language | English |
E-paper | Click Here to Read |
Registration | Free |
More about The Times Record newspaper : The Times first started to publish as an afternoon newspaper in December 1884. In Spring 1893, the news record was set up and it was also published on the afternoon. In their early years, both the Times and the News Record were handed over by several publishers. In 1907 the US started publishing. The morning was set up and operated by William E. Decker until 1923. The Times and the News Record were strengthened in July 1909 and made the Fort Smith Times Record. The fort Smith Times Record was bought by friends of boyhood John S. Parks and George D. Carney in 1920, and the American in 1923 as well.